Gaylords of Darkness

Episode 66 - Naked and Covered in Cantaloupe

5 years ago

Episode 66: Naked and Covered in Cantaloupe

The Gaylords Great Value Slashers Event continues with Killer Workout (1987)! Stacie & Anthony commemorate Women in Horror Month and work out at the Workout with jazzercise, jammin’ tunes, the sheer perfection of Rhonda. Later, they recast some classic slashers with late ‘90s teen slasher actors. It's a knockout!

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When the clock strikes 6:66, the Gaylords of Darkness (Anthony Hudson & Stacie Ponder) come forth to chart the arcane world of horror through a queer lens - with occasional visits from ghouls, goblins, and briefcase women from the 1980s.