Gaylords of Darkness

Gaysterpiece Theatre: 3 WOMEN

4 years ago

Gaysterpiece Theatre: 3 WOMEN

In this installment of Gaysterpiece Theatre–wherein we discuss movies that (gasp) aren't horror–we soak in the hot spring waters of 3 Women! What does Robert Altman's dreamlike 1977 phantasmagoria mean? Do we figure it out? Why bother when we can just revel in Shelley Duvall's impeccably realized performance? The magnificence of Sissy Spacek, the mysterious cool of Janice Rule, 31 shades of mustard, and much more await!

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When the clock strikes 6:66, the Gaylords of Darkness (Anthony Hudson & Stacie Ponder) come forth to chart the arcane world of horror through a queer lens - with occasional visits from ghouls, goblins, and briefcase women from the 1980s.